Sunday 29 June 2014


One thing I am undeniably guilty of is over thinking things. Therefore, the lead up to this (my first ever blog post eeeek!) has been a long stretch of ideas, lists and most importantly, time. 

But today is the day. It is actually happening.
After sitting around on my bum for the past week, I've finally decided to be productive with my time.

This summer so far has been beyond boring. Most people love getting time off from work or school - and trust me, I love a good 'lazy day' - but there is only so much scrolling through youtube videos in your PJs a person can do before they start to go a little bit... well... mad. 

After finishing my first year of university a month ago (yes, I am no longer a fresher *sobs*), I managed to save some of my student loan to go on a weeks holiday to Turkey with my boyfriend. It was absolutely fab, and the idea of coming back home was daunting, but eventually reality hit (damn you reality!!).
It was all ok though, because I had a plan...
A plan to come home, get a summer job, work my bum off and save up some funds to survive the next couple of months (and if I was lucky earn a little bit of money for travelling).

But, no. Reality had another plan. After what seems like a gazillion hours spent filling in a gazillion job applications (slight over exaggeration), I have had a total of one job interview and countless rejection letters.

So, here I am. Unemployed. Bored. With loads of free time...

I have wanted to start my own blog for soooo long but never felt that the timing was quite 'right', but now I have no excuse... do I?
So, hello blogger world! you are a little bit scary I must admit.. but I am so excited to begin my blogging journey (and I hope that some of you may decide to join me too!)

Holly x

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